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Valentine's Day 2000 Severe Storm

INL Mesonet Summaries

The following three graphic images show the strength of the severe storm that passed through Idaho's Eastern Snake River Plain on February 14, 2000.  The data are from the INL mesonet. The storm set new record maximum wind gusts at 9 of the 33 INL mesonet stations and spawned five tornados. Click on the image title below to display the image. (Note: real time data from the mesonet is found at http://www.noaa.inel.gov/windvector/.)
Maximum Wind Gust This graphic shows the maximum wind gust (blue line) and the maximum sustained five-minute wind average (red box) for each mesonet station. The three letter station identifiers are described here. (Note: data from the Dubois station is not included because the storm damaged this station.)
 Air Temperature Field This animated graphic shows both the wind and the air temerature response as the storm moved from west to east, as shown on INL Mesonet.  The time step is every 15 minutes from 1400 through 1700 hours MST.
 Precipitation Field This animated graphic shows both the wind and precipitation response as the storm moved from west to east, as shown on INL Mesonet.  The time step is every 15 minutes from 1400 through 1700 hours MST.