Climatography of the Idaho National Laboratory 4th Edition (Data through 2015)
Climatography of the Idaho National Laboratory 3rd Edition (Data through 2007)
Climatography of the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory 2nd Edition (Data through 1988)
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CFA Thermoscreen and INL Mesonet individual stations monthly summaries. (Adobe Acrobat needed)
Year Month Site
Wind Data
Monthly mean wind speeds for EBR, GRI, and LOF towers.
Monthly peak wind speeds for EBR, GRI, and LOF towers.
Monthly 10 meter wind speed means and extremes for GRI.
CFA 30-year normal temperatures (1991-2020).
Average daily mean temperatures for CFA.
Daily maximum temperature records for CFA.
Daily minimum temperature records for CFA.
Daily air temperature extremes summarized by month for CFA.
Monthly and annual temperature averages and extremes for CFA.
Average and maximum daily temperature ranges summarize by month for CFA.
Monthly and annual average number of days when the maximum daily temperature was at or below 32� F and at or above 90� F at CFA.
Monthly and annual average number of days when the minimum daily temperature was at or below 32� F and at or below 0� F at CFA.
Dates of the last (spring) and first (fall) occurances of minimum temperature of 24�, 28�, and 32� F for CFA.
Monthly and annual summary of daily freeze/thaw cycles for CFA.
Monthly and annual average and extreme heating degree days (HDD) for CFA.
Monthly and annual average and extreme cooling degree days (CDD) for CFA.
Minimum wind chill for CFA.
Daily precipitation records from CFA.
Greatest daily precipitation totals from CFA.
Average total monthly and precipitation for CFA.
Longest periods at CFA without measurable (0.01 in. or greater) daily precipitation.
200 precipitation events with greatest totals at CFA.
200 precipitation events with longest duration at CFA.
Monthly and annual average number of precipitation events at CFA.
Greatest precipitation amounts during selected periods at CFA.
Snow Data
Daily Snowfall and Snow Depth Records for CFA.
Monthly and annual snow fall totals and monthly and daily extreme totals for CFA.
Greatest daily snow fall totals for CFA.
Monthly and annual average and extreme number of days with snow fall amounts, of equal to or greater than 0.1, 1.0, and 3.0 in. for CFA.
Monthly and annual average snow depths on the ground and extreme snow depths for CFA.
Longest periods at CFA with continuous snow cover of 1 inch or greater.
Monthly and annual relative humidity averages and extremes for CFA.
Monthly and annual averages of dew point, dry bulb, and wet bulb temperatures for CFA.
Monthly and annual averages and extremes of hourly wet bulb temperatures for CFA.
Monthly and annual averages of daily maximum and minimum wet bulb temperatures for CFA.
Monthly and annual mixing ratio averages and extremes for CFA.
Barometric Pressure
Monthly and annual atmospheric pressure averages and daily pressure extremes for CFA.
Solar Radiation
Monthly and annual averages and maximums of total daily solar radiation for CFA, SMC, MFC, IDA.
2025 Sunrise and sunset times for CFA.
Valentine Day 2000 severe storm.