INL Weather Camera Location and Useage Notes
The INL weather camera is located in the middle of the INL, on Lincoln Boulevard
between INTEC, TRA, and NRF. The map below gives the location of the camera
in the INL. The camera is usually pointed to the northwest at JumpoffPeak.
(If you see a guy wire in the image, the camera is pointed at Jumpoff Peak.)
The camera position is under the control of the NOAA ARLFRD duty forecaster, who is
located in our office in Idaho Falls, ID. The duty forecaster is on duty from
8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Mountain Time every working day of the year. The position
and view area of the camera may change as the forecaster uses the pan, zoom, and tilt
functions to monitor a particular meteorological phenomenon. Watch closely and perhaps
you might observe the camera pointed at the snow depth guage, or at Big Southern Butte
to observe the orographically induced cloud cap.